I've been taking ALCAR for over almost 2 weeks now and it's an interesting nootropic to say the least.
The first day it had a rather strong rapid antidepressant-like effect. It's not an obvious effect, it's like it alters the mind at a fundamental level. It's not that negative thoughts and emotions don't arise, it's that the mind no longer preferentially chooses them first. In short, ALCAR seems to make the mind more emotionally balanced.
The first week, ALCAR consistently uplifted my mood and even produced a euphoria-like effect when it would kick in. There was definitely a stimulant-like effect with it. However, the euphoric effects would only last 10 minutes or less. On the other hand, my hands were noticeably sweaty the first week, it's a rather annoying side effect.
Fortunately, that side effect has largely dissipated.
I've also noticed a slight anxiolytic effect. Memory was also slightly improved in the first week.
In the second week I feel like the positive effects have decreased but not completely vanished. I'm not sure if increasing the dose would help in this regard.
I'm almost at three week mark and looking back I've only really had positive effects in the first few days. After that, apathy started increasing, but more so in the background. I also have bouts of melancholic depression with ALCAR.
I'm not sure if I should continue it.
The only reason I've been able to make this thread is because I started taking TMG 3 days ago. If it wasn't for that then I would essentially be doing nothing.